I will be in Venice for Easter. What's open for tourist that day?
2006-01-10 09:05:48 UTC
I will be in Venice for Easter. What's open for tourist that day?
Three answers:
2006-01-20 05:35:16 UTC
Easter Monday (Pasquetta) is a Public Holiday, so banks, public offices, museums will probably be closed. However, bars and restuarants are unlikely to close.

Neither Good Friday nor Easter Sunday are special holidays, so everything should be open.
2006-01-10 21:41:06 UTC
Easter is really the beginning of things in Venice; it is when the tourist season really picks up. But shops tend to be closed on Easter and Easter Monday.

Often museums will be open. See the Times link below.

You can, of course, find bus service, taxis, vaporetto (water taxi) and so forth any time.

Thomas Talboy, PhD, Director

Ubiquity International, LLC

Experience. Explore. Embrace the World.(TM)
2006-01-13 12:38:20 UTC
Easter Sunday and then the Monday after are all holidays, you probably wont even be able to find a salumeria or panificio open. The streets will be open, so walk around.

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