What the most comfortable and affordable way to fly to Italy with 2 kids (8&10) as a single ma!?
Tif in Chicago
2005-12-31 09:09:33 UTC
What the most comfortable and affordable way to fly to Italy with 2 kids (8&10) as a single ma!?
Two answers:
2005-12-31 15:18:19 UTC
No easy way to do. Just make sure you only get one connection in your flight itinerary. Italy isn't exactly affordable. It has gone up a bit over the last few years. Try going in February which is an off season. Fly in and out of Rome for lowest price. Get a rail pass to visit other areas.
2005-12-31 17:26:31 UTC
Convents and Monasteries are often cheaper and safer places to stay in Italy.

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